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Hacerse una buena manicure no es solo questión de cortarse y limarse las uñas. Para empezar, el resto de las manos también necesita algo de cariño. With care and the right tools, you can get salon results at home (which will also translate into economic savings). This is what the experts recommend for looking healthy and careful nails, even if they are not painted.
1. Create a clean base
First, eliminate any leftover enamel you may have. La artista de uñas Betina Goldstein, afincada en Los Ángeles, suggests los quitaesmaltes a base de aceite de Karma Organics? acetone, the key ingredient of many other products, can cut your nails. Y si te manchas la piel al quitarte colores especially oscuros, the nail artist Megumi Yamamoto, based in New York, recommends applying primer oil for cuticles on the skin that surrounds the nail.
Next, wash your hands with water and soap or with a hand sanitizer. Yamamoto’s favorite cleaning solution is Sea breeze, que “no reseca demasiado y huele muy fresca”, dijo. Although soaking your fingers in water is a common step in many beauty salons, Yamamoto and Goldstein advise not to do it, sobre todo porque puede alargar el tiempo de secado del esmalte y hacer que queden vetas.
Then, gently push the cuticles back. This makes the bare nails look more elongated and uniform, and “if you apply nail polish on top of the cuticle, it will look lumpy and peel more quickly”, says Goldstein.
Yamamoto Empieza suavizando las cutículas con un poco de Sea Breeze. As an alternative, it suggests applying Skin removal de Blue Cross en la base de las uñas y dejarlo reposar un minuto.
Después usa un palito de naranjo with a piece of cotton to push the cuticle back. Si usaste quitaesmalte, limpia los restos con un paño.
Use a clipper to deshacert the stepfathers, but leave the cut of the cuticles properly—an optional step that is not always needed—to the professionals.
2. Recorta y da forma
Si vas a recortar mucho, empieza con un cortaúñas, como el de acero stainless steel de Seki Edge. Cut the sides of the tip of the nail and then the center to level things.
If lo que quieres es perfeccionar la forma, Goldstein says que basta con limar. Crystal files are less prone to leaving irregular edges and are easier to clean, he explains. Si prefieres una lima de esmeril, elige una que puedas desinfectar? Goldstein recommends las de CND y ORLYy tanto a ella como a Yamamoto les gusta la gama de limas de Flowery. Whatever type you use, Goldstein points out that the best for natural nails is a grain of 180 to 240.
To shape the nails, Yamamoto recommends filing them at a 45 degree angle. Move in the direction of the thumb with smooth and simple movements. Finish each one with a pass in the opposite direction. “No serruches la uña natural hacia adelante y hacia atrás”, advises la manicurista en Londres Lauren Michelle Pires, 34 years old, pues esto provoca descamación y peladuras. Si quieres que tus uñas queden quadradadas, lima con cuidado la parte superior y luego da forma a los lados limando suavente hacia arriba. For a more rounded nail, follow the curve of the fingertips.
3. Pulir
Puilir lightly the surface of the nails can give them a natural shine. También puede ayudar a que el esmalte se adhiera mejor, si decidedi adjudar alguno. Yamamoto recommenda los pulidores de tres pasos, que tienen tres niveles de aspereza: Manucurist ofrece a good option. Start with the roughest side to eliminate the roughest areas, continue with the medium side to smooth the entire surface and, finally, add shine with the softer side. With each level, Yamamoto advises moving the polisher horizontally across the nail to smooth out vertical roughness. Después, “utiliza el borde del pulidor”, dice, “para pulir los pliegues” donde los lados de las uñas y la skin se encuentra.
4. Alisa y suaviza tus manos
Empieza por exfoliarlas to eliminate dead skin. “Me gusta hacerlo dos veces por semana”, dices Goldstein, quien confía completamente en el efecto suavizante del Malibu Salts of the Earth exfoliant de Osea. Then massage your hands with a moisturizing cream, paying special attention to the cuticle area. Goldstein uses a drop of enriched hand cream mixed with two drops of vitamin E oil? para la primera, Yamamoto recommenda la moisturizing cream de Cetaphil y la crema de manos Intense Repair de Cicabiafine. Si piensas aplicar esmalte, elimina el exceso humedada de las uñas con un algodón con alcohol, agrega Pires.
5. Si quieres, aplica esmalte
Si prefieres las uñas sin esmalte, Yamamoto suggests darles un brillo sutil con un suero o un aceite como el Nail Oil Basic de la marca japonesa Uka. For a colored manicure:
Si vas a pintarte las uñas de un color claro o transparente, primero aplica una capa de base. Los Favoritos de Yamamoto includes his formulas Uka y Zoya.
When it is time to apply the main enamel, avoid dripping by cleaning one side of the brush inside the neck of the bottle after each pass? así controlarás mejor hacia dónde va el esmalte.
Paint your nails in three passes: starting just above the cuticle, pass the brush once through the center, another through the right side and another through the left. “Más de esto”, explains Pires, “y el esmalte podría quedar grumoso or demasiado espeso para secarse”. If you apply a fine cap on all the nails, you will have enough drying time between the cap and the cap. For most colors, apply two layers.
Lastly, add a transparent enamel: two full layers, according to Goldstein, followed by an additional touch at the tip of each nail, a vulnerable area to the resquebrajado. Seche Vite es una buena opción protectora, ya Yamamoto le gusta el Gel Couture Longwear Top Coat de Essie.
Regardless of which hand you use to paint, Goldstein advises moving your dominant hand in the direction you need, keeping the other straight and almost motionless.
6. Take care of your manicure
Moisturize your hands regularly and apply cuticle oil as part of your nighttime routine to help keep them healthy and soft. “Si al cabo de unos días tu manicura ha perdido brillo, puedes ponerte una capa nueva”, Pires dice. “Y si vas a lavar los platos oa limpiar, usa siempre gloves”.